The Inferior Colliculus
Metabolically the most active site in the brain [1-7, 8-12, 13-22]
Autoradiogram picture from Kety (1962) and
the research of Landau et al. (1955), with
permission from Columbia University Press.
Landau et al (1955) used a radioactive
tracer to investigate cerebral blood flow
in laboratory animals [1, 2]. The picture
to the right is an autoradiogram of the
brain of a cat 60 seconds after injection
of a tracer. It shows the greatest
perfusion (thus greatest blood flow) in
the inferior colliculi, superior olives, and
lateral lemniscal tracts connecting
these relay nuclei in the brainstem
auditory pathway.
Blood flow and metabolism are not
uniform throughout the brain. The
brain is a collection of separate
sensory, motor, and association circuits
of differing metabolic activity.
Note that perfusion of the tracer is
much less in the cerebral cortex -- the
memory system of the brain.