Figure 2 – Impact injury

Speech understanding
Subjects & tests
Predicted results
Hypotheses & rationale

Auditory agnosia
Asphyxia at birth
Human infants
Functional MRI
Fetal alcohol syndrome
fMRI of language processing
Trophic transmitters
Longterm outcome
Myelin maturation
Learning to speak
Kanner autism
Metabolism in the brain
Vasodilation response
The Bohr effect
Circulatory arrest
Brainstem damage
Thiamine deficiency
Autism & prenatal alcohol
Autism & valproic acid
Autism & infections
Autism & PKU
Autism & genetic disorders
Autism & medical disorders
Autism & perinatal problems
Figure 2 – Punctate hematoma of the inferior colliculi (bilateral),
caused by head trauma in a skiing accident, and thought to have
resulted from impact from the free edge of the cerebellar tentorium
(from Johkura et al. Defective auditory recognition after small
hemorrhage in the inferior colliculi. J Neurol Sci 1998;161:91–96).
Research Proposal