Auditory Agnosia
Learning to Speak
Personal Interest
The Bohr Effect
Blood flow in the brain
Vigilance center
Aerobic metabolism
Metabolism in the brain
Cardiac arrest
Asphyxia/ suffocation

Alcohol toxicity
Pyrithiamine poison
Thiamine deficiency

Other poisons
Auditory agnosia
Time-table of myelination
Trophic growth factors
The research with monkeys on asphyxia at
birth is now part of forgotten history.  How
something this important could be so badly
overlooked escapes me.  But recent reports
[62-71] of people with sudden loss of the
ability to understand spoken language, and
damage of the inferior colliculi found on MRI
scans, should make it imperative that
damage of the inferior colliculi at birth
should  be investigated as a possible cause
of developmental language disorders.

My views on autism and the inferior
colliculus can be viewed at:

I have started this website to highlight what I
consider must be the great importance of
the inferior colliculus, and plan to continue
adding information here to emphasize this.

Eileen Nicole Simon

My interest in the inferior colliculus began
with the arrival of the October 1969 issue of
the Scientific American in my mailbox.  I
immediately sat down and read the paper by
William Windle [34] on asphyxia at birth,
because that is what had happened to my
son, Conrad, who was almost six, but still not
speaking normally and therefore could not
start first grade.

A year earlier, he was diagnosed as autistic.  
Up to that point, my concerns about possible
hearing problems and delay in learning to
speak had always been summarily dismissed
by cheerful pediatricians who all told me to
stop worrying, “He’s a boy.  He’ll catch up,”
etc.  But he wasn’t catching up, and the big
holes in the inferior colliculi of infant
monkeys subjected to asphyxia at birth
appeared to explain Conrad’s speech delay,
and his auditory problems.
December 2005                                                                                                                                                                              <<<<  6 >>>>